Expert Witness Location and Vetting

Expert Detection, Inspection, and Selection


Detection is the first step in engaging the Experts necessary to evaluate your case and affect ADR or prevail at trial. MarGin will assist in identifying the appropriate Medical, Nursing, Science, Technical, or Engineering disciplines, specialty, or sub-specialty to best assist our attorney clients in evaluating and prosecuting their cases. MarGin will identify suitable scientific and technical Experts at leading institutions and medical or healthcare Experts through a nationwide database of physicians, chiropractors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, behavioral and physical therapists, and other medical or healthcare professionals. This process finds potential Experts, and provides a preliminary estimate of available litigation related documents, as well as conducts a preliminarily review of published professional history information, curricula vitae, resumes and biographical articles and writings for suitability for the case at hand.


Once located, and with identifying information reviewed by our attorney client to cull the initial list to a more manageable number of candidates, the candidate specific backgrounding process may begin. The first steps include, but are not limited to; reviewing an Expert’s CV for specific suitability, reviewing published materials of the Expert to identify consistency in the materials and applicability to the matter at hand information regarding citations, a simple nationwide sanction search, preliminary appellate challenge histories,  documented capacity to opine on same/similar practice settings educational and professional background, ; contacting Expert to determine availability; and, is included with each Expert found to assist in assessing the witness.


MarGin will work with the attorney to make a final selection of an appropriate Expert by identifying gate-keeping authority(ies) applicable to the case at hand and development of a venue and case specific challenge assessment questionnaire for Experts to aide in identifying the best suited individual. As part of this process, MarGin will identify key components of expected Expert testimony to assist the attorney in assessing vulnerabilities of prospective Experts before they are noticed to opposing counsel. MarGin also produces reports ranging from to detailed challenge histories, to comprehensive vetting reports. These reports will aid in winnowing the field to the best Expert to evaluate the case and, if indicated, support the attorney’s theory moving forward. Vetting reports also permit the attorney identify any potential weaknesses in the selected Expert as well as prepare for challenges on substantive grounds.

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